Marketing & Strategy
September 27, 2023

How to Capitalise on the Election Without Getting Involved in Politics

In the world of marketing, embracing opportunities to boost your brand or business is as necessary as a good cup of coffee in the morning. The frenzy around the 2023 election is a great example of these kinds of media moments that never fail to capture the public’s attention. But, before jumping into the political fray, it’s important to make sure you’re getting in on the action without diving headfirst into politics. Read on to explore how you can ride the election wave with a sense of humour and a dash of creativity, without getting caught up in the political circus. ‍


How to Capitalise on the Election Without Getting Involved in Politics

In the world of marketing, embracing opportunities to boost your brand or business is as necessary as a good cup of coffee in the morning. The frenzy around the 2023 election is a great example of these kinds of media moments that never fail to capture the public’s attention. But, before jumping into the political fray, it’s important to make sure you’re getting in on the action without diving headfirst into politics. Read on to explore how you can ride the election wave with a sense of humour and a dash of creativity, without getting caught up in the political circus. 

1. Localise Your Message:

One clever way to leverage the election season is creating a campaign that localises your message. Instead of overtly endorsing a political party, you can use the hot topic of the election as a cheeky way to make your brand stand out in the market. Consider slogans like “Vote for Us for Your Business Needs” to playfully align your brand with the election and get noticed, without taking a political stance.

2. Go Tongue-in-Cheek:

A Northland real estate company is a great example of how to execute this strategy successfully: their use of tongue-in-cheek humor and signage around Northland has garnered attention without diving into politics. Follow their lead and create election-style promotions featuring your team members. Design signs using your brand's colors and have your team strike politician-style poses with witty captions. It's like a political cartoon but with a friendly twist, showcasing your team's personality and engaging your audience in a light-hearted way.

3. Host Election Day BBQs and Fundraisers:

Be a part of the election spirit without backing any political party with community-focused events like election day BBQs and fundraisers. You're not just promoting your brand; you're also contributing positively to your community and raising awareness for a good cause. Establish your brand or business as deeply rooted in the community, and watch your brand resonate with customers who appreciate businesses that care about where they call home.

4. Promise “No Politics” with Your Business: 

Remember that the key to success when using media moments like the election for brand promotion is to strike the right balance between being fun and tongue-in-cheek without being critical of any party or individual. The goal is to make this marketing opportunity work to your advantage, not your detriment! Instead of taking sides, promise your customers “no politics” with your promotions. This strategy lets you ride the election media wave while avoiding the minefield of criticism or endorsements. 

5. Election-Themed Social Media Content:

If it fits your brand, why not encourage customer participation and stay relevant during the election season by sharing engaging content that's related to the election - without diving into the nitty-gritty. How about fun polls, quizzes, or challenges? For example, ask your customers, “Which fictional character would make the best Prime Minister?” or run a “Caption this election meme” contest. Make your social media sites a digital party where everyone's in on the fun.

6. Collaborate with Local Businesses:

Join forces with local businesses and brands to create marketing magic during the election season. Collaborate on cross-promotions, co-host events, or offer special discounts to customers who engage with both brands. Why not offer a discount or small freebie to people wearing an “I voted” sticker, or hold a watch party at a local bar or restaurant on election night, offering discounts on drinks? Together, you can amplify your reach and connect with a wider audience, all while steering clear of polarising political endorsements.

Seizing the excitement of the election season can be an great opportunity for your brand or business. By localising your message, sprinkling humor, being community-focused, and promising a politics-free zone, you can effectively ride the election buzz without getting tangled in the political web. If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level, get in touch with the team at PDC - with us, creative marketing strategies are just the beginning.

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